【本土經典品牌X設計精英團隊: ReMIX最終配對結果出爐!】
香港工業設計師協會創辦首個「ReMIX」計劃反應熱烈,獲得來自不同設計領域的精英關注和支持,截止2月底共收到近150個申請,除了新銳的年輕設計師,更有不少在行頭擁有傑出成績的工業、產品及時裝設計師支持。經過兩輪遴選程序,入圍設計團隊已於3月29至30日安排與合作品牌代表和專業顧問團進行配對洽談。成功配對的設計團隊包括:Pong,agape・IVO・KnitWarm,One Object Design Studio,Afterwork以及ByLeona會與品牌合作,開發全新產品系列!
駱駝牌 X Pong
駱駝牌將與Pong 合作,作為創作核心的本土工業設計師、Pong創辦人姚振邦 (Leo Yiu) 更是屢獲殊榮,以創新、幽默、漂亮、恆久作為創作理念,強調設計中的靈魂。其設計不是流於表面的外觀設計,而是帶出具有溫度、深度、態度的質量生活體現。整個創作團隊憑藉獨特的工業設計觸覺,豐富的製造商網絡,在確保順暢的生產流程下,創作非同凡響的產品。
駱駝牌相信與Pong 對創作的獨特見解,可以在品牌深入民心的經典基礎上,添加幽默創新的玩味概念,建立具備實用又新穎的全新系列。
雞仔嘜 X agape‧IVO‧KnitWarm
agape design limited 是香港首個樹脂畫藝術品牌,創辦人張滙希 (Rolland Cheung) 提倡「Art is Life」概念,讓藝術融入生活,曾於巴黎、台灣、中國、澳門舉行展覽,更於台北舉辦首次個人藝術展。
時尚品牌 IVO 創辦人司徒力勤(Lincoln SzeTo)是資深時裝設計師,曾參與國際名牌連卡佛展覽。他對身邊事物擁有敏銳的觸覺,透過對不同物料的透徹認識,以「罩出新裳態」作為時尚理念,研發可發光的循環再用口罩。
KnitWarm「織暖」創辦人及創作總監郭志雄(Stanley Kwok),是針織設計專家,以嶄新針織發熱專利方案配合設計,研發出「暖之織」,一款智能發熱的針織產品,其產品融入日常生活,曾獲德國紅點獎、ISPO 全球設計獎等多個國際獎項。
紅蘋果 X 一方設計
紅蘋果將與擁有設計室內家具和家電產品經驗的設計創新公司「一方設計」 (One Object Design Studio)合作。一方創辦人和設計總監馬屹巍 (Evan Ma) 曾就職華為智能家居設計部門、聯想創新中心、香港飛利浦設計等知名企業。他的設計崇尚以簡潔平實的方式,尋找源於生活的創新,展現產品真實的存在與功能。由他帶領的一方設計團隊曾與諸多國際知名品牌和中小企業合作,設計領域涵蓋移動交通工具、智能IoT 產品、電子消費品、家電產品與室內家具等,以廣闊且深入的視野設計,深入到整個產品研發過程,製作出耳目一新的產品。
粵東磁廠 X同興玻璃 X Afterwork
粵東磁廠和同興玻璃將與由三位工業設計師盧智誠,彭家瑜 (Joletta Pang) 和杜奕麒 (Thomas To) 聯合組成的Afterwork 合作。三位設計師曾參與多個跨國客戶和創業公司的設計項目,涵蓋家居用品、家具、廚具到消費電子產品等等不同範疇。團隊具與別不同的年輕活力,強調以日常觀察和本地文化帶入到工業創作,透過深入了解對材料特性和生產製造過程,設計出既實用,又能融入環境的簡潔設計。
粵東磁廠和同興玻璃兩個老字號一直在傳統技術上不斷鑽研,可算是香港在此界別的老行專,這次更是首次聯乘合作。透過此次與Afterwork 設計師團隊的創意交流,能在傳統的工藝上,拓展工業設計以外更多可能性,更希望探索產品和品牌的嶄新一面,創造出無限創意的聯乘產品。
AXIS X ByLeona
與AXIS合作的是新銳生活時尚品牌ByLeona,創辦人兼設計師馮思敏 (Leona Fung) 專注於優質原創陶瓷和多元化媒體設計,以融合藝術與文化精髓來作為創作核心。Leona 靈感來自對中國、日本、印度等地傳統藝術的熱情,把受眾與深厚的東方底蘊聯繫在一起,以現代化及獨特的方式詮釋東西文化融合的理念。ByLeona 與世界各地的品牌、酒店及博物館建立跨界項目,設計和製作具藝術和生活品味的優質作品。
AXIS 相信與ByLeona 合作,可以把對手錶生產的專業認識和技術,與Leona 對東方藝術特色完美揉合,創作出蘊含故事性的品味作品。
【Local Classic Brands X Talented Design Teams – ReMIX Final Collaboration Match Results!】
Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong launches the first “ReMIX · Yesterday’s Future, Invent Tomorrow!” (ReMIX) program. The program caught diverse attentions and support from design elites. At the end of February, approximately 150 applications were received, applicants not only included young talented designers but also experienced designers with outstanding achievements from different design fields. After two rounds of selections and deliberations, 5 final design teams were chosen, they are: Pong, agape・IVO・KnitWarm, One Object Design Studio, Afterwork and ByLeona.
Camel X Pong
Pong Company has been selected to collaborate with the Camel brand for this program.
Leo Yiu Chun Pong, Pong’s founder and leading award‐winning designer, whose design concepts are full of innovation, humors, beauty and resilience that also emphasizing a soul in every design. His designs are not just compelling to the eyes but also bring warmth, depth and attitude to life. With the design team’s unique sense in industrial design and rich knowledge in manufacturing, the team will be able to create and produce exquisite products.
Camel believes Pong’s unique creativity insights can be used to build upon the brand’s classic foundation. With its humorous, innovative and playful concepts, Pong’s team will develop a new series of novel and practical products.
Chicks X agape . IVO . KnitWarm
Chicks will collaborate with three designers for this program: agape design limited, the first resin art brand in Hong Kong. The founder, Rolland Cheung Wui Hei initiates “Art is Life” concept – to let art integrates with life. He has hold exhibitions in Paris, Taiwan, China and Macau. His first solo art exhibition was hold in Taipei. The founder of the fashion brand IVO, Lincoln SzeTo, a seasoned fashion designer. His showcases have been hosted by Lane Crawford. With vast knowledge in wide range of materials and impeccable senses, he has designed the “New Normal Mask” – a multifunctional and reusable facemask with light‐up feature. KnitWarm’s founder and creative director, Stanley Kwok Chi Hung, is a specialist in knitting design who has developed the “KnitWarm Wrap” – a patented innovative heat‐conductive knitting technology that can be used in daily life. His innovation brought awards included Red Dot Awards, ISPO Award and other international awards.
Chicks believes under the collaboration with these three outstanding designers, their new products will equip with comfortable wear touch together with a strong sense of individuality, creativity, warmth and intimacy.
Red Apple X One Object
Red Apple will collaborate with One Object Design Studio that has proven experiences in furniture and household electronics designs. Founder and creative director of One Object, Evan Ma Yiwei has worked in Huawei Smart Home Design Department, Lenovo Advanced Design Lab, Philips Design etc. His designs are minimalistic and practical, unearthing innovation in life and demonstrating reality and functionality in his products. One Object has worked with both renown international brands and small medium enterprises, designing transport and mobilities, smart home IoT devices, consumer electronics, domestic appliances and home furniture etc. One Object’s designs are visionary and its knowledge in manufacturing process will help to deliver contemporary and new products.
Red Apple believes working with One Object can ignites the brand with new creative concepts together with beauty and intelligence in creating personalized furniture.
Yuet Tung China Works X Tung Hing Glass X Afterwork
Yuet Tung China Works and Tung Hing Glass will collaborate with Afterwork formed by three industrial designers: Lo Chi Shing, Joletta Pang Ka Yu and Thomas To Yik Kei. Afterwork has participated in many design projects for multinational and startup companies, including products for household, furniture, kitchenware and consumer electronics etc. Afterwork has a passionate energy and put emphasis on delivering local culture and daily life insight into industrial design. With comprehensive understanding of different materials and manufacturing process, Afterwork visualized designs with simplicity, practical into the environment.
The two classic brands Yuet Tung China Works and Tung Hing Glass keep delved their traditional skills and technologies and both are already been the specialist in their particular field. The first ever crossover of these two brands in conjunction with the designers of Afterwork are hopefully bring designs with traditional craftmanship and brand‐new perspectives for their products and brands.
AXIS X ByLeona
AXIS will collaborate with ByLeona founded by Leona Fung Sze Mun in 2016. The brand focuses on premium ceramic and multi‐media designs which put art and culture as the creativity principal. Leona’s inspiration comes from her passionate in the arts and culture of China, Japan and India. She’s good at connecting audiences to the profound Oriental heritage and using unique and modern ways blending East meets West concepts into her designs. ByLeona has worked with many international brands, hotels and museums designing and producing elegant and artistic lifestyle pieces.
AXIS believes that working with ByLeona will combine the professional knowledge and technology of watch making with the Orient arts perfectly which can create exquisite storytelling products.
New products will be created and brought to the market in December. Stay tuned for the big surprise!