誠邀設計師 與品牌共創聯乘產品,帶來無限可能。 請即報名!
We Sincerely invite designers to create cross over products with brands and infinite possibilities. Apply now!
第二屆 ReMIX品牌與設計師配對計劃,現正招募工業/產品及不同範疇的設計師報名參加!去年首屆ReMIX成功撮合了五組設計團隊與合作品牌創造出多個系列的暢銷產品 , 贏得社會各界一致好評,成功提升香港品牌及香港設計師地位。
周大福珠寶、FX Creations、德國寶、茲曼尼、寶富麗及Unitek
繼續在舉步維艱的營商環境,為實幹創意的香港設計師提供資源與人際網絡; 給予無限發展機遇與空間*。請立即為自己及本地優質品牌再創佳績! 網上報名現正開始,誠邀各界的設計師們參與,從嶄新角度為品牌注入新氣象,以設計思維貫徹產品開發過程。切勿錯過此機會,立即以個人,設計團隊或以香港公司名義參加!
*優厚回報 特許權使用費、產品署名權、媒體報導、由國內地及海外代表圑、 新產品巡迴展覽及線上線下(O2O) 銷售渠道。
截止日期: 2022年4月20日
報名詳情: http://remix.idshk.org
查詢: remix@idshk.org +852 3568 8831
The second ReMIX brands and designers matching project is now recruiting industrial, product and different fields of designers!
Last year, the first ReMIX had successfully matched five design teams with classic local brands and together they created several series of best-selling products, and won high praise from communities. The program has successfully elevated the professional status of Hong Kong brands and Hong Kong designers.
This year’s selected design teams will collaborate with six local premium brands
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery, FX Creations, German Pool, Giormani, Profilia & Unitek.
including: and Unitek.
We continue to provide resources and business networking with infinite creativity space and opportunity* to support Hong Kong designers in this complex and hard-fought business environment.
ReMIX is now open for online applications. We sincerely invite talented designers, design teams and Hong Kong companies to participate with the aim to apply design thinking concept throughout the product development process; infuse new perspectives into local brands. Don’t miss the chance and create a series of product with your perspectives!
*Collaboration Benefits: Royalty fee, design credit, media exposure, Mainland and overseas business mission / delegation trip, new product roving exhibitions, plus major online and offline sales channels opportunity.
Application Deadline: 20 April 2022
Application Details: http://remix.idshk.org
Enquiry: remix@idshk.org +852 3568 8831