James Dyson Award – 成就設計夢
Dyson 誠邀您參加本年度的James Dyson 設計大獎
James Dyson 設計大獎是一個國際的學生設計比賽,雲集全球20個國家的設計精英,比賽已有超過10年的歷史,而今年首次將比賽版圖擴展到香港。是項比賽是由James Dyson基金籌辦,其使命是要喚起年輕人對設計工程學的興趣,並鼓勵新晉的設計師將其設計商品化。
You are invited to join the James Dyson Award
James Dyson Award is an annual award, run by the James Dyson Foundation, to inspire young students to develop new, exciting ideas around science, design and engineering. It is running across 20 countries worldwide for the 11th year now. This year, it is our first time to have Hong Kong and Taiwan students to join the award.
香港區優勝者 : 獎金 約2.4萬港幣 及證書
國際組優異獎 : 獎金約6萬港幣及證書
國際組優勝者 : 獎金約36萬港幣 及證書 ( 另26萬港幣將捐贈所屬院校)
Hong Kong winner : HKD$ 24000 and certificate
International runners up : HKD$ 60,000 and certificate
International winner : HKD$ 340,000 and certificate
The Brief
Design something that solves a problem
把你的設計理念以中文及英文解說 (因為英國的Dyson工程和James Dyson都會參與評審),並附上草圖或研發過程的相片。而模型照片及影片為非必要項目,亦鼓勵參賽者提交。
How to participate
Tell us your design in both Chinese and English (It is because James Dyson and the engineers in the UK will review the entries too). Please share the sketches and photo of your development process as well. Photo of prototype and video are not necessary but we highly encourage you to share it with us.
立刻報名成為香港的首位得獎者,請即前往 : http://www.jamesdysonaward.org
Take action now and be the first winner in Hong Kong : http://www.jamesdysonaward.org