Break the Cocoon, Sparkling Hong Kong (BCSHK 2020) – Designers Inspiration Trip

Hong Kong is filled with creative talent more than you think of. 19 esteemed awardees of Hong Kong Smart Design Awards (HKSDA) 2019 participated in the Designers Inspiration Trip (BCSHK 2020) to Germany and the Netherlands during 1-10 February 2020. They got the chance to demonstrate local creative product designs to overseas buyers, explore business opportunities and build valuable business network at Ambiente, Frankfurt and Spielwarenmesse, Nuremberg Toy Fair. Again this year, apart from Germany, the delegation further reached the Netherlands for cultural and commercial exchange, including Moooi Design Studio, Droog Design Studio and museum visits. The Netherlands is filled with cultural art atmosphere, particularly strong in product design. This Designers Inspiration Trip aims at refreshing designers’ vision with latest global market trends, not only to enhance their competitiveness in the evolving market, but also raise the publicity of local designs in global platform as a result.
Let’s see how those awards-winning creators open the gates of opportunity via the trip…
You may also see all highlights of their fruitful journey at OR know more about the program on HKSDA website:
More Details :
「破繭而出,閃耀香港」(BCSHK 2020) – 設計師啟發之旅
香港是個充滿創意人才的地方。19名2019 年度的「香港智營設計大賞」得獎設計師於2020 年2 月1至10日期間遠赴德國及荷蘭參加BCSHK 2020「設計師啟發之旅」。他們不但獲得機會於「德國法蘭克福日用消費品展Ambiente」及德國紐倫堡舉行的國際玩具展「Spielwarenmesse」向海外買家展示本地創意產品設計,並從中探索商機,建立寶貴的人脈網絡。今年除德國外,代表團更前往到荷蘭Moooi設計工作室、Droog設計工作室及博物館參觀,進行文化和商業交流。 荷蘭是個充滿了文化藝術氛圍,尤其是產品設計非常出式。此次「設計師啟發之旅」旨在讓各設計師加深了解國際市場,提升他們在設計和業務技能的競爭力,同時希望能拓闊設計師的個人視野,加強本土設計的知名度及發展空間。