LED Lamp Lantern Design Competition
– Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of the HKSAR
– CIE (Hong Kong)
– Hong Kong Interior Design Association
– Caritas Bianchi College of Careers
– Hong Kong Design Institute
– Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
– Green de Corp Limited
– To promote household LED lamps usage and introduce the advantages of LED lamps
– To increase public awareness on selection of LED lamps with Voluntary Energy Efficiency
Label during light bulb procurement
Theme and Requirement
– To design household lamp lantern with AC 220V power input
– The lamp lantern shall use LED light bulb as the lighting source assembly with light bulb
holder and basic control components
1. Student Category
– Full-time student from post-secondary education institutions, including universities or IVE,
– Individual or group (maximum 3 students)
2. Open Category
– Anyone interested
– Individual, group or organisation (maximum 3 persons)
The applicant shall submit the following documents to the Organizer before the deadline (21
December 2020) :
– Completed and signed Application Form (Application Form should be submitted as soon as
possible whereas the Design Proposal can be submitted as a follow-up document by 21
December 2020, the latest)
– Copy of Student Card(s) (applicable for Student Category only)
– Design Proposal (by 21 December 2020):
– no more than 10 pages and 1,000 words, including Design Concept, Brief description,
Functionality and Material & Safety
– Hard copy in A4 size with; OR
– Soft copy in PDF format
– Drawings / Sketches / Diagrams (by 21 December 2020):
– Hard copy in A3 size; OR
– Soft copy in PDF format
Application Deadline: 21 December, 2020 (Monday)
The applicant must submit the duly completed and signed application form, design proposal and
all required supporting documents to the Organizer before the deadline.
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Postal Address: Energy Efficiency Office, 7/F,
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Headquarters,
3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
(Please mark “LED Lamp Lantern Design Competition” on the envelop)
Email Address: kmyim@emsd.gov.hk
Competition Details: