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Member’s Benefit in Purchasing 3D Printer
In order to encourage innovation on production and development with 3D sculpting and printing technology, IDSHK like to announce our collaboration with Jadason Technology Ltd (HK Sole Authorized Distributor) in offering the following attractive product bundle.
For every purchase of the latest “FORM 2” SLA 3D Printer Complete Package, you would receive the benefit of either
- A) a FREE set of Wacom “intuos 3D” tablet, plus a FREE official Z Brush Core software license. Or
- B) One extra FREE SLA Standard Resin 1 L (Clear, White, Grey or Black)
This package cost is HK$38,800.
Please see packaging detail, terms and condition in below and in the attachment.
This Promotion Period valid till 31/3/2017
For any interested parties, please send your enquiry, name and contact info to
Remarks: Jadason Technology Ltd. is the ONLY authorized reseller of Formlabs in Hong Kong which offers
official product warrantee and professional support.
Product reference links:
FormLab Form 2 SLA 3D printer:
Wacom “intuos 3D” tablet:
Pixologic Z Brush Core:
Jadason Technology:
- IDSHK is a platform on professional info sharing only in this activity.
- The trade is a direct deal between client and Jadason Technology Ltd.
- IDSHK bears no responsibility in this trade.
- IDSHK deserves the rights to updates any terms without further notice.
More info : Form 2 Complete Package and Optional Service
HKSDA 2017 Kick-off Seminar Hong Kong Smart Design Awards 2017 Kick-off Seminar
Theme: Design x Strategy x Technology
Date: 24/11/2016 (Thursday) Time: 3:15 pm – 6:30 pm Venue: Unit 11, 2/F, Metro Centre I, 32 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay Language: Cantonese
Please click HERE to register.–BhwVpk1ujps8n9OjNErpXzFsrdpOzxAc_Q9qA/viewform?c=0&w=1
The Penguin Pool When digital turns on creativity
The Penguin Pool – When digital turns on creativity
Tuesday | 22 November 2016 | 6:30pm
Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Central [map] Space limited. By invitation only. Free admission.
RSVP by 14 Nov. A ticket for entry will be sent upon confirmation.
For enquiries, please contact : +852 2268 3401.
Exhibition and Seminar from ” Discovery Art of Living”
Please be invited to the a specific talk series and exhibition event organized by the F.J. Italian Life Store. These events will lead you to view the overall development of the renowned brands and products from ALESSI, BUGATTI and EMILE HENERY. It is a great opportunity for designers in learning from these brands.
The details are as follows:
(1) “Discovery Art of Living” EXHIBITION
VENUE: Sogo Club, 16/F, Sogo department store, Causeway Bay, 555 Hennessy
Road, Hong Kong.
DATE: 2-6, November 2016
TIME: 11:00am – 8:00pm
(2) Design Seminar “Embrace Sustainable Future, Forego Physical Design?”
GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Benny D. Leong, Assistant Professor, School of Design, HK
VENUE: Sogo Club, 16/F, Sogo department store, Causeway Bay, 555 Hennessy
Road, Hong Kong.
DATE: Friday, 4 November 2016
TIME: 5:00pm – 6:00pm
LANGUAGE: Cantonese
(3) Grand Opening Party
DATE: 4 November 2016, Friday
TIME: 6:30pm to 8:00pm
ENQUIRIES & RSVP: 25197861 Ms. Wing Cheung/ 96149881 Ms. Natalie Fine
For more information, please refer to the attached e-flyer.
Thank you very much for your attention
(HKDI) Invitation: Become a Supporting Organisation of “Konstantin Grcic – Panorama” Exhibition
Greetings! This is Kaitlyn from the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee). I am writing to invite the Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong to be our supporting organisation of 2016-17 HKDI Gallery Presents Exhibition, “Konstantin Grcic – Panorama” in the period 26 November 2016 to 2 April 2017.
An official invitation letter issued by our Principal, Mr. Leslie Lu has been sent to you at the following address by post yesterday:
Unit A1, 12/F., Summit Building, 30 Man Yue Street, Hunghom, Kowloon
Meanwhile, the corresponding scanned copy is attached herewith this email for your consideration. We would be very grateful to receive your return of the reply slip through fax or email before 18 August 2016.
Technology Advancement of Hong Kong Plastics Industry to Tap into the Opportunities under the Strategies of ‘Made in China 2025’ and ‘Industry 4.0’
Invitation to be Collaborating Organisation of the Project on
“Technology Advancement of Hong Kong Plastics Industry to Tap into the Opportunities under the Strategies of ‘Made in China 2025’ and ‘Industry 4.0’ ”
I am writing on behalf of Hong Kong Plastics Manufacturers Association Limited and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries to cordially invite you to be one of our collaborating organisations of the government-funded projected titled “Technology Advancement of Hong Kong Plastics Industry to Tap into the Opportunities under the Strategies of ‘Made in China 2025’ and ‘Industry 4.0’ ”, which has been approved by the Trade and Industry Department and will be commenced in October 2016. We target to look for new opportunities for the local plastic industry players to upgrade their business and production through gaining technological insights and innovation breakthrough. Through this project, we are pleased and grateful for your support to become our collaborating partner to be the venue sponsor for holding the full-day plastic conference, which is one of the highlight of our project deliverables.
We express our gratitude again for your kind consideration and look forward to your acceptance at your earliest convenience. More details are comprehensively described in the cover letter attached. Should you require further information, please contact me via tel: 2732 3116 or email:
Mixer – IXDA
Make creativity into reality.
Autumn is arriving, Let us celebrate the arrival of a beautiful and sentimental season.
This time’s Mixer: User Experience Designers, Industrial Designers, business people, investors and startups will all come together to celebrate our greatest minds of design.
Come talk to Industrial Designers and UX Designers and find out how we can collaborate to jam out IoT products – Internet of Things!
Come to mingle and have casual drinks at the Common Room HK!
Time: 7:30~9:30 pm
Date: Oct, 20th, 2016
Address: The Common Room
1/F Wo On Building, 8-13 Wo On Lane, Central
Format: Cash Bar
Much appreciation to our Sponsors and Supporting Organisations!
Gold Sponsor:
Silver Sponsor:
Cogs Agency
Supporting Organisations:
PolyU School of Design
Design Thinking Asia
MCI group
Pragmatic products HK
Agile Hong Kong
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